The Complete Guide for Marketing Digital Products Online


In today’s digital world, there are tons of ways for folks, especially creators, to make money. One exciting option that’s gaining steam is selling digital stuff online. This means making and selling things like eBooks, guides, templates, and more to people hungry for cool digital content.

For creators, it’s smart to have different ways to make money. Just relying on ads or sponsorships might not always cut it. That’s where selling digital products comes in handy. It adds an extra boost to your income.

So, in this guide, we’re going to dig deep into the world of selling digital products online. We’ll show you how to make all kinds of digital goodies, where to sell them, and how to get lots of people to notice and buy them. Whether you’re a pro creator or just starting out, this guide will give you the lowdown on making money by selling digital stuff online. Let’s get started!

Section 1: Creating Digital Products

Creating digital products is a cool way for creators to earn more money. Let’s look at how to make different types of digital stuff:

1. Guides: These are like super detailed how-to manuals. Start with Canva templates, tweak them to fit your info, and make sure it’s all correct by doing some research.

2. eBooks: These are digital books on all kinds of topics. You can use Canva’s eBook templates or make your own. Tools like ChatGPT can help with writing, add some pictures to make it look nice, and check out Designer for extra help.

3. Business Systems: These are tools to help with business stuff, like spreadsheets for keeping track of money. Notion has templates you can use, or you can make your own. Just make sure they’re easy to use and test them before you sell them.

4. Content Creation Systems: These are templates and guides to make creating content easier, like planners for social media. Customize them with Canva or Notion, use AI suggestions for content, and give clear instructions on how to use them.

5. Printable Materials: These are educational things you can print out, like worksheets or flashcards. Canva is great for making them. Make sure they’re easy to print and read, and try them out in different formats.

For example, you could make a travel guide with plans, an eBook about money, a business spreadsheet in Notion, a social media planner, or printable flashcards.

By following these steps and using the tools available, creators can make awesome digital products that people will love and earn some extra money too!

Section 2: Platforms for Selling Digital Products

When it comes to selling digital products online, creators have a plethora of platforms to choose from, each with its benefits and considerations. Here’s an overview of the main types of platforms:

1. Standalone Websites:

Shopify: Shopify is a leading e-commerce platform that allows users to create customizable online stores. It offers robust features for selling digital products, such as eBooks or templates, and provides control over branding, pricing, and customer relationships.
Benefits: Complete control over your store’s design, branding, and pricing. Access to powerful analytics and marketing tools.
Considerations: Requires driving traffic to your website. May involve additional costs for hosting, domain, and transaction fees.

Gumroad is a user-friendly platform tailored for creators to directly sell their digital products to their audience, providing seamless payment processing, file delivery, and audience management features.
Benefits: Quick and easy setup. Built-in tools for managing sales, customer relationships, and analytics.
Considerations: Limited customization options compared to Shopify. Transaction fees apply for each sale.

2. E-commerce Marketplaces:

Etsy: Etsy is a popular online marketplace known for handmade and unique items, but it also offers a platform for selling digital products like eBooks, printable materials, and digital art. It provides access to a large, established audience of buyers.
Benefits: Built-in audience of millions of buyers. Minimal setup required, with features for listing digital products.
Considerations: Competition from other sellers. Platform fees and commission on sales.

Fiverr: Fiverr is a freelancing platform where creators offer services, but it also allows the sale of digital products like templates, guides, or business systems. It provides exposure to a global audience of buyers seeking digital solutions.
Benefits: Access to a large pool of potential customers. Opportunities for upselling services alongside digital products.
Considerations: High competition among sellers. Platform fees and commission on sales.

Choosing the Right Platform:
Consider your goals, audience, and product offerings when selecting a platform.
Evaluate the level of control, customization, and visibility offered by each platform.
Balance the benefits of built-in audiences with the need to drive traffic to standalone websites.
Experiment with different platforms and strategies to find the best fit for your digital products business.

By leveraging the diverse range of platforms available, creators can effectively showcase and sell their digital products to a global audience, whether through standalone websites or e-commerce marketplaces.

Section 3: Strategies for Driving Traffic to Digital Products

Getting people to notice your digital products is super important for making sales.

1. Social Media Marketing:
YouTube: Make fun videos showing off your products or how to use them. Use good keywords and catchy thumbnails so people can find your videos easily.
TikTok: Share short videos about your products or what customers think of them. Incorporate trending hashtags to expand your reach and engage with a broader audience.
Pinterest: Pin eye-catching images of your products with links to where people can buy them. Use good descriptions and join group boards to get more views.
Instagram: Post cool pictures or videos of your products. Leverage hashtags and tag influencers to increase your visibility and connect with a larger audience.

2. Paid Advertising:
Etsy Ads: Pay to get your products featured on Etsy. Use good keywords and pictures to catch people’s attention.
Google Ads: Pay to show up in Google searches for keywords related to your products. You can also show ads to people who have visited your site before.
Social Media Ads: Pay to show ads on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. Target them to the right people based on their interests or behaviors.

Making Sure Your Marketing Fits:
Make sure your marketing matches what your audience wants. Understand what they like and what problems your products solve for them.
Keep your marketing consistent. Use the same style and message across all your ads to build trust with your audience.
Check how well your ads are doing regularly. Look at things like how many people are clicking on them and buying your products, and change your ads based on what works best.

By using both free and paid marketing tactics, you can get more people to see your digital products, make your brand more well-known, and sell more stuff. Just remember to keep your audience happy and be honest about what you’re selling.


In exploration today, we’ve dived into the exciting realm of selling digital goodies online, especially for folks like content creators who want to make the most of their platforms.

So, if you’re a content creator itching to explore new ways to make money, diving into the world of digital products could be just the thing for you. With the right mix of creativity, tools, and platforms, there’s a whole world of opportunity waiting for you out there.

We’d love to hear from you, too! Whether you’re already making moves in the digital marketplace or just getting started, drop us a line in the comments below. Share your experiences, questions, or thoughts, and let’s keep the conversation going. Together, we can empower each other to thrive in the exciting world of digital entrepreneurship!

Video Credit:

  • YouTuber Name: The Zinny Studio
  • Channel’s Name: [The Zinny Studio]
  • Video Title: [Digital Products To Sell Online And Make MONEY]
  • Publishing Date: [June 02, 2024]
  • Link to Video: Watch Here
  • Link to Channel: The Zinny Studio

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