Revolutionizing Content Creation: Introducing WOXO – The Automatic Short Video Generator

Revolutionizing Content Creation Introducing WOXO – The Automatic Short Video Generator


Creating engaging video content has never been easier, thanks to an incredible AI tool called WOXO. This powerful tool can generate up to 10 short videos in just 30 seconds, making it a game-changer for content creators. In this blog post, we’ll explore the features and benefits of WOXO, and how you can use it to produce high-quality videos quickly and efficiently. We’ll also share a trick on how to use this tool for free, so be sure to read until the end!

WOXO is an innovative AI-powered tool designed to create short videos in bulk. It offers a user-friendly interface and a variety of customization options, making it perfect for anyone looking to enhance their social media presence or streamline their video production process. Whether you’re creating content for YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, or any other social media platform, WOXO has got you covered.

Getting Started with WOXO

To begin using WOXO, simply sign up for a free account. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll be greeted with a dashboard where you can choose from various social media formats and other options.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Choose Your Video Creation Method

WOXO offers two main options for creating videos:
Idea to Video: Generate videos based on your ideas.
ChatGPT Plugin: If you have a ChatGPT Plus plan, you can generate videos directly using the WOXO plugin within ChatGPT.

Since many users might not have a ChatGPT Plus plan, we’ll focus on the Idea to Video method.

2. Selecting a Social Media Format

Click on the “Create” button or choose a specific social media format like YouTube Shorts. You’ll then see an interface similar to ChatGPT’s, where you can provide prompts for video creation.

3. Choose Your Model: WOXO Base vs. WOXO Ultra

WOXO offers two models:
WOXO Base: Suitable for creating standard-quality videos quickly.
WOXO Ultra: Produces ultra-high-quality videos, ideal for more professional needs.

You can start with WOXO Base and switch to WOXO Ultra for higher quality if needed.

4. Writing Your Prompt

To generate videos, provide a prompt similar to how you would with ChatGPT. Start by specifying the number of videos you want to create (up to 10 per prompt) and define the topic. For example, you might write, “Create 10 videos about fun facts related to the Titanic.”

5. Customizing Your Videos

Before generating your videos, customize the following settings:
Topic: Choose from a variety of topics.
Image Styles: Select background styles for your videos.
Language: Set your preferred language.
VoiceOver Styles: Choose from different voices and emotions for the narration.
Text: Customize the caption style, font, and colors.
Background Music: Select music to complement your video topic.

6. Generating and Scheduling Videos

After setting your preferences, click “Generate.” WOXO will create your videos in about 30 seconds. You can then connect your YouTube account to schedule these videos for any day and time.

Creating High-Quality Videos with WOXO Ultra

For more realistic and visually stunning videos, switch to WOXO Ultra. Here’s how:
1. Prepare a Custom Script: Use ChatGPT or another tool to generate a detailed script.
2. Paste the Script: Copy and paste your script into WOXO Ultra.
3. Follow the Same Customization Steps: Adjust the settings as before.
4. Generate the Video: Hit generate and enjoy the enhanced video quality.

Using the Idea to Video Method

You can also generate videos without detailed prompts. Simply input a broad idea like “fun fact about the Titanic” and let WOXO handle the rest. The tool will create a compelling video based on your input.

Pricing and Free Usage

WOXO offers a free plan with limited features, but even the paid plans are very affordable, starting at just $7 per month. For an additional discount, use the provided discount code to get 30% off any plan.

How to Use WOXO for Free

You can earn free credits by sharing WOXO within your friend circle. For every share, you receive 500 credits, allowing you to use WOXO without spending a dime.


WOXO is a revolutionary tool for anyone looking to create short videos quickly and efficiently. With its easy-to-use interface, customization options, and the ability to produce high-quality content, it’s an invaluable resource for content creators. Sign up today and start transforming your ideas into engaging videos with WOXO!

Be sure to check out other tools and tips in our upcoming blog posts to further enhance your content creation journey. Happy video making!

Video Credit:

  • YouTuber Name: The AI Hustle
  • Channel’s Name: [The AI Hustle]
  • Video Title: [FREE Automatic AI Shorts Generator : Generate 10 shorts every 30 seconds😍]
  • Publishing Date: [May 12, 2024]
  • Link to Video: Watch Here
  • Link to Channel: The AI Hustle

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