Effortlessly Earn Money Online by Downloading and Selling Free Courses


The world of online earning offers countless opportunities, but many methods require significant time and effort. However, there is a simple yet effective way to make money online: by downloading and reselling courses. This method leverages the availability of private label rights (PLR) products, which you can acquire for free and resell for profit. By tapping into this resource, you can generate income without the hassle of creating your own content.

Imagine making $869 with minimal effort. Sounds too good to be true? It’s not. With the right strategy, you can turn free resources into a steady income stream. By downloading and reselling courses, you can take advantage of existing high-quality content and earn substantial profits without the time-consuming process of content creation. This method has helped many individuals make hundreds or even thousands of dollars monthly, and it can work for you too.

IDPLR.com is a comprehensive platform that offers a vast collection of private label rights (PLR) products. These products are available for download and can be resold, giving you the rights to profit from them.

The types of products available on IDPLR.com include:

Ebooks: Digital books on various topics that you can sell or give away to your audience.
Courses: Comprehensive video tutorials and training programs that cover a wide range of subjects.
Videos: Educational and informational videos that can be used as standalone products or as part of a course.
Software and Scripts: Useful tools and applications that can be marketed and sold to users.
Graphics and Templates: Design elements that can enhance your marketing materials or be sold as individual products.

These resources are ideal for anyone looking to start an online business without creating content from scratch.

Creating an Account
To get started with IDPLR.com, you need to create a free account. Here’s how:

1. Visit IDPLR.com: Go to the IDPLR website.
2. Sign Up: Click on the “Register” button, usually located at the top right corner of the homepage.
3. Fill in Your Details: Enter your name, and email address, and create a password. You might also be required to confirm your email address by clicking a verification link sent to your inbox.
4. Choose Your Membership: While IDPLR offers free products, they also have premium membership options that unlock more extensive resources. For starters, you can stick with the free account to explore the available products.

After completing these steps, you will have access to the IDPLR platform.

Navigating the Platform

Once you’re logged into your IDPLR account, follow these instructions to find valuable courses and other products:

1. Dashboard Overview: Familiarize yourself with the dashboard. Here, you will find different categories of products such as Ebooks, Software, Videos, Graphics, and more.
2. Using the Search Bar: Use the search bar at the top of the page to find specific products or keywords related to your niche.
3. Browsing Categories: Navigate to the “Free Products” section to access free resources. This can be found in the main menu.
Free Ebooks: Browse through various ebooks that are available for free download.
Free Videos: Explore the video tutorials and courses that you can download at no cost.
Free Software: Check out any available software that might be useful for your business.
4. Product Details: Click on any product to view its details. Here, you will find a description of the product, its release date, and the usage rights associated with it.
5. Download the Product: If you find a product that suits your needs, click the “Download” button. Ensure you review the terms of use to confirm that you can resell the product.

By following these steps, you can easily navigate IDPLR.com and find valuable products that you can download and resell to start making money online.

Step 2: Selecting High-Demand Courses

Choosing the right niche is crucial for your success in reselling courses. Here are some tips to help you select a niche that resonates with your audience:

1. Identify Your Interests and Expertise: Start by considering areas you are passionate about or have knowledge in. This will make it easier for you to market and discuss the courses authentically.
2. Research Market Demand: Use tools like Google Trends, keyword research tools, and online forums to identify what topics are currently in demand. Look for niches with a large audience and steady or growing interest.
3. Analyze Your Audience: Understand the needs and preferences of your target audience. Consider their problems, interests, and what type of content they are seeking.
4. Competitive Analysis: Study your competition. Identify what is already available in the market, what works, and where there might be gaps that you can fill.

Common profitable niches include:
Make Money Online: Courses on affiliate marketing, e-commerce, and online business.
Health and Fitness: Topics like weight loss, bodybuilding, and nutrition.
Personal Development: Courses on productivity, mindset, and self-improvement.
Technology and IT: Tutorials on programming, AI, and software development.

Finding Relevant Courses

Once you have chosen your niche, the next step is to find high-quality, relevant courses. Here are some criteria to help you select the best courses:

1. Release Date: Ensure the course is up-to-date. Recent courses are more likely to contain relevant and accurate information. Aim for courses released within the last year.
2. Relevance: The course should align with your niche and the needs of your audience. Look for courses that address current trends and common problems in your niche.
3. Content Volume and Quality: Evaluate the amount and quality of content offered. A good course should provide substantial value, with detailed and well-organized materials. Check the course duration and the number of modules or lessons included.
4. User Reviews and Ratings: If available, read user reviews and ratings to gauge the course’s effectiveness and popularity.
5. Course Format: Consider the format of the course (e.g., video tutorials, written guides, interactive content). Choose formats that your audience prefers and engages with the most.

Verifying Terms of Use
Before you proceed with downloading and reselling a course, it’s crucial to verify the terms and conditions associated with the product. Here’s why it’s important and what to look for:

1. Resale Rights: Ensure that the product grants you the right to resell it. Some courses might only be available for personal use or have restrictions on resale.
2. Modification Rights: Check if you are allowed to modify the content. This can be useful if you want to rebrand or customize the course to better fit your audience.
3. Distribution Channels: Verify where you are allowed to sell the course. Some terms might restrict selling on certain platforms or in specific formats.
4. Prohibited Uses: Be aware of any prohibited uses, such as giving away the course for free or adding it to a membership site without charging a fee.
5. License Duration: Ensure the license is valid for as long as you plan to sell the course.

To find these details, scroll down to the product’s description page on IDPLR.com and look for the terms of use section. Carefully read through the conditions to make sure you comply with all the rules.

By choosing the right niche, finding high-quality and relevant courses, and thoroughly understanding the terms of use, you set a strong foundation for a successful online business in reselling digital courses.

Step 3: Downloading and Preparing the Course

Downloading a course from IDPLR.com is straightforward. Follow these steps to ensure you get the course materials properly:

1. Log In to Your IDPLR Account: Make sure you are logged into your account on IDPLR.com.
2. Navigate to the Desired Course: Use the search bar or browse through the categories to find the course you want to download.
3. Select the Course: Click on the course title to open its details page.
4. Review the Course Information: Check the release date, content details, and terms of use to ensure it meets your needs.
5. Download the Course: Click the “Download” button. The course materials will typically be downloaded as a ZIP file containing all the necessary resources.

Organizing Course Files
Once you have downloaded the course, it’s important to organize the files to make it easier for you to manage and use them. Here are some tips:

1. Create a Main Folder: Create a main folder on your computer with the course name. For example, if the course is “Content Marketing Blueprint,” name the folder accordingly.
2. Unzip the Files: Extract the ZIP file contents into the main folder. This will create subfolders for different types of files such as videos, graphics, and documents.
3. Organize by File Type:
Videos: Place all video files in a subfolder named “Videos.”
Graphics: Create a “Graphics” subfolder for all the images, banners, and other graphical elements.
Documents: If there are any PDFs, text documents, or other written materials, place them in a “Documents” subfolder.
Other Resources: Any additional resources such as software or scripts should be placed in an appropriately named subfolder.

This organization will help you quickly locate and use the files when creating your product listings and marketing materials.

Creating Course Assets
To make your course attractive to potential buyers, you need compelling product images and other marketing assets. Here’s how to create and utilize these assets effectively:

1. Using Included Graphics: Most courses from IDPLR.com come with pre-made graphics. Here’s how to use them:
Locate Graphics Folder: In your main course folder, open the “Graphics” subfolder.
Select Key Images: Choose the most appealing images for use as product covers, thumbnails, and promotional banners.
Edit if Necessary: Use graphic design software like Photoshop, Canva, or GIMP to customize the images. You might want to add your branding, change colors, or modify text to better suit your audience.

2. Creating New Graphics: If the included graphics are insufficient or you want to create new ones, follow these steps:
Design Tools: Use design tools like Canva, which offers easy-to-use templates, or Photoshop for more advanced editing.
Product Cover: Design a product cover that highlights the key benefits of the course. Ensure it looks professional and eye-catching.
Thumbnails and Banners: Create thumbnails for video previews and banners for social media and marketing campaigns. Consistency in design will help establish brand identity.
Infographics: Consider creating infographics to visually represent the course content and key takeaways. These can be useful in promotional materials.

3. Best Practices for Graphics:
High Resolution: Ensure all images are high resolution to maintain quality on various platforms.
Clear and Concise Text: Use clear and concise text on your graphics to convey the main selling points of the course.
Consistent Branding: Maintain consistency in colors, fonts, and style across all graphics to build a recognizable brand.

By downloading the course, organizing the files efficiently, and creating compelling course assets, you can prepare a professional and attractive product ready for resale. These steps will help streamline your workflow and enhance the appeal of your course to potential buyers.

Payhip.com is an excellent platform designed for selling digital products, including courses, ebooks, software, and more. It offers a user-friendly interface, secure payment processing, and various marketing tools to help you reach your audience. Key features of Payhip include:

Easy Setup: Create and manage your online store with minimal effort.
Digital Product Sales: Upload and sell digital files, including videos, PDFs, and software.
Secure Payments: Integrated payment options like PayPal and Stripe ensure secure transactions.
Marketing Tools: Access tools for discounts, affiliate marketing, and social sharing to boost your sales.

Creating a Payhip Account
Follow these steps to set up your Payhip account and choose a store name:

1. Visit Payhip.com: Open your web browser and go to [Payhip.com](https://www.payhip.com).
2. Sign Up for a Free Account: Click on the “Get Started for Free” button on the homepage.
3. Fill in Your Details: Enter your email address, create a password, and click “Create Account.”
4. Choose a Store Name: You’ll be prompted to enter a store name. Be creative but clear about what your store offers. For example, “DigitalCoursesHub” or “LearnSmartCourses.”
5. Complete Registration: Once you find an available store name, click “Continue” to finalize your registration.

Uploading Your Course
After setting up your Payhip account, it’s time to upload your course files, set product details, and add images. Here’s a detailed guide:

1. Access Your Dashboard: Once logged in, you’ll be directed to your Payhip dashboard. This is where you’ll manage your products and sales.
2. Add Your First Product: Click on the “Add Your First Product” button on the dashboard.
3. Select Product Type: Choose “Digital Product” since you’re selling a digital course.
4. Input Product Details:
Product Title: Use the course name you downloaded, such as “Content Marketing Blueprint.”
Product Description: Write a compelling description. Include key features, benefits, and what the buyer will learn from the course. You can use the description provided on IDPLR.com as a starting point and customize it to make it more appealing.
Set the Price: A good starting price is $9.99, but you can adjust this based on the value and demand of the course. Payhip takes a 10% commission on each sale.
5. Upload Product File:
Click on “Upload Product File”: Navigate to the main folder where you organized your course files.
Select the ZIP File: Choose the complete course package ZIP file and click “Open.” The upload process may take a few minutes.
6. Add Product Images:
Click on “Upload Product Image”: Choose a high-quality image from the graphics you prepared.
Upload Additional Images: If available, upload more images to showcase the course content and benefits.
7. Visibility and Availability: Ensure your product is set to “Visible” so that it is accessible to potential buyers.
8. Save and Publish: Once all details and files are uploaded, click on “Add Product.” Your course is now live and ready for sale.

By following these steps, you will have successfully set up your course for sale on Payhip.com. This platform not only makes the process of selling digital products easy but also provides a range of tools to help you market and grow your online business.

Step 5: Pricing and Listing Your Course

Pricing your course competitively is crucial for attracting buyers and maximizing your profits. Here are some recommendations for setting the right price:

1. Research Market Rates: Look at similar courses in your niche to understand the typical price range. Check platforms like Udemy, Teachable, and other sellers on Payhip.
2. Start with a Competitive Price: For many digital courses, a starting price of $9.99 is effective. It’s low enough to attract impulse buyers but high enough to reflect the value of the content.
3. Consider Value and Content: If your course offers substantial content, unique insights, or high-quality production, you might price it higher, such as $14.99 or $19.99. Make sure the price reflects the value provided.
4. Experiment with Pricing: Payhip allows you to adjust prices easily. Start with a lower price to build initial sales and reviews, then consider increasing the price as demand grows.

Writing a Compelling Description
A well-crafted product description can significantly impact your sales. Here’s how to write an informative and engaging description:

1. Start with a Strong Hook: Capture attention with an engaging opening sentence that highlights the key benefit of your course.
Example: “Unlock the secrets of effective content marketing with our comprehensive blueprint course!”
2. Outline Key Features: Clearly list what the buyer will learn and gain from the course. Use bullet points for easy reading.
Learn the fundamentals of content marketing
Develop a strategic content plan
Create high-quality content that drives traffic and engagement
3. Highlight Unique Selling Points: Mention any unique aspects of your course, such as exclusive insights, expert instruction, or additional resources.
Example: “Includes exclusive tips from industry experts and a bonus toolkit with templates and guides.”
4. Include Testimonials or Reviews: If available, add testimonials or positive feedback from previous users.
Example: “Loved by over 1,000 students, this course is rated 4.8/5 stars for its actionable insights.”
5. Call to Action: Encourage readers to purchase the course with a clear call to action.
Example: “Start your content marketing journey today and boost your online presence!”

Making Your Product Visible
Ensuring your course is visible to potential buyers is essential. Here’s how to make sure your product is set to visible:

1. Check Visibility Settings:
After adding all product details and files, locate the visibility setting in the product listing page on Payhip.
Set the product to “Visible” so it appears in your store and is accessible to buyers.
2. Optimize for Search:
Use relevant keywords in your product title and description to help your course appear in search results on Payhip and search engines.
3. Add Tags and Categories:
Utilize tags and categories to classify your product. This makes it easier for users browsing the platform to find your course.
Example tags: “content marketing,” “online course,” “digital marketing,” “learn marketing.”

4. Preview Your Listing:
Use the preview link provided by Payhip to see how your product page looks to potential buyers. Ensure that all information is clear and the layout is appealing.

By setting the right price, crafting a compelling description, and making your course visible, you’ll increase the likelihood of attracting buyers and generating sales. These steps will help ensure that your course stands out in a competitive market and provides value to your audience.

Step 6: Promoting Your Course Effectively

Driving traffic to your Payhip store requires effective marketing strategies. Here’s an overview of different approaches to consider:

1. Social Media Promotion:
Utilize platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to share your course. Create engaging posts with visuals, testimonials, and links to your Payhip store.
Join relevant groups and communities where your target audience gathers. Participate in discussions and share valuable insights related to your course topic.

2. Email Marketing:
Build an email list of interested prospects and previous customers. Send out newsletters highlighting your course benefits, updates, and special offers.
Use email automation tools to schedule follow-ups and nurture leads interested in your content.

3. Content Marketing:
Write blog posts, and guest articles, or create videos related to your course topic. Include links or mentions of your course in the content.
Optimize your content for search engines (SEO) to attract organic traffic from people searching for related topics.

4. Paid Advertising:
Consider running paid ads on platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or LinkedIn Ads. Target specific demographics and interests relevant to your course.
Start with a small budget and monitor performance to optimize your ad campaigns for better ROI.

5. Collaborations and Partnerships:
Collaborate with influencers, bloggers, or other content creators in your niche. They can promote your course to their audience in exchange for a commission or other benefits.
Partner with complementary businesses to cross-promote each other’s products or services.

Using Pinterest for Traffic

Pinterest is a powerful platform for driving traffic to your Payhip store, especially for visual and educational content like courses. Here’s a step-by-step guide to using Pinterest effectively:

1. Create a Business Account:
If you haven’t already, sign up for a Pinterest business account at [Pinterest for Business](https://business.pinterest.com/).
Verify your website (Payhip store URL) to access Pinterest Analytics and other business features.

2. Optimize Your Profile:
Use a clear profile picture and write a compelling bio that highlights what you offer (e.g., online courses on digital marketing).

3. Create Boards Relevant to Your Course:
Set up boards that align with your course topics (e.g., Content Marketing Tips, Social Media Strategies).
Pin high-quality images, infographics, and videos related to these topics.

4. Pin Your Course Content:
Create visually appealing pins for your course using attractive images or graphics.
Include keywords in pin descriptions and titles that potential learners might search for (e.g., “Learn Content Marketing Online”).

5. Engage with the Pinterest Community:
Follow influencers and users in your niche. Repin and comment on their content to build relationships.
Join group boards related to your course topics. Share your pins and contribute valuable content to these boards.

6. Use Pinterest Analytics:
Monitor the performance of your pins and boards using Pinterest Analytics. Identify top-performing pins and adjust your strategy based on insights.

Consistency in Marketing

Consistency is key to maintaining and growing your course sales over time. Here’s why it’s crucial:

Builds Brand Awareness: Regularly promoting your course keeps your brand top-of-mind among potential buyers.
Establishes Authority: Consistent sharing of valuable content positions you as an expert in your niche.
Drives Engagement: Regular updates and interactions with your audience on social media and other platforms foster engagement and trust.
Optimizes Marketing Efforts: By tracking and analyzing results consistently, you can refine your strategies for better performance.

To maintain consistency:

Schedule Content: Use social media scheduling tools to plan and automate posts ahead of time.
Monitor Performance: Regularly review analytics from Payhip, social media platforms, and email campaigns to assess what’s working and what needs adjustment.
Adapt and Evolve: Stay updated with industry trends and adjust your marketing strategies accordingly to stay competitive.

By implementing these marketing strategies and maintaining consistency in your efforts, you can effectively promote your course, attract more learners, and increase sales through your Payhip store.

Step 7: Managing Payments and Sales

To start receiving payments for your course sales on Payhip, you need to link your PayPal or Stripe account.

Here’s how you can do it:

1. Log into Your Payhip Account:
Visit Payhip and sign in to your account.

2. Navigate to Payment Settings:
Once logged in, go to your dashboard and find the “Settings” or “Account Settings” option. Click on it.

3. Choose Payment Methods:
Look for the section related to payment methods. Payhip supports PayPal and Stripe for processing payments.
Click on “Connect PayPal” or “Connect with Stripe,” depending on your preferred payment processor.

4. Follow the Setup Instructions:
You will be redirected to either the PayPal or Stripe website to log in and authorize Payhip to access your account.
Follow the prompts to complete the integration process.

5. Verify Integration:
Once connected, you should see a confirmation message on Payhip indicating that your PayPal or Stripe account is linked successfully.

Processing Payments

Understanding how transactions work on Payhip ensures you manage your earnings effectively:

1. Transaction Process:
When a customer purchases your course, Payhip handles the transaction securely through PayPal or Stripe.
The payment is processed directly into your linked PayPal or Stripe account, minus Payhip’s commission.

2. Payhip’s Commission:
Payhip charges a flat 5% transaction fee on each sale, in addition to any fees charged by PayPal or Stripe.
This fee is deducted automatically before the remainder is deposited into your account.

3. Managing Earnings:
Track your earnings and transactions through the sales dashboard on Payhip.
You can view details such as sales volume, revenue generated, and net earnings after deductions.

Customer Experience

Ensuring a seamless experience for your customers enhances satisfaction and encourages repeat business:

1. Immediate Access to Course:
After completing the purchase, customers should receive immediate access to the course materials.
Ensure all course files and resources are correctly uploaded on Payhip and accessible upon purchase.

2. Clear Communication:
Provide clear instructions on how customers can access their purchased course. Include a thank-you message or email confirming their purchase.
Address any customer queries or support requests promptly to maintain satisfaction.

3. Refund Policy:
Set clear refund policies on Payhip regarding course purchases. Communicate these policies to customers upfront to manage expectations.

4. Feedback and Reviews:
Encourage customers to leave reviews or feedback on their course experience. Positive reviews can attract more buyers.

By effectively managing payments, providing a smooth transaction process, and ensuring a positive customer experience, you build trust and credibility as a course seller on Payhip. This contributes to long-term success and growth in your online course business.


Selling PLR products like courses from IDPLR.com can be a lucrative online business strategy. By following these steps and leveraging available resources, you can start generating passive income with minimal effort.

If you found this guide helpful, don’t forget to subscribe for more tips on making money online. Let us know in the comments which niche you’re excited to explore for creating and selling courses!

Video Credit:

  • Channel’s Name: [The Make Money Online Hustle]
  • Video Title: [MAKE $869 DAILY Downloading FREE PDFs! | Make Money Online 2024]
  • Publishing Date: [June 12, 2024]
  • Link to Video: Watch Here
  • Link to Channel: The Make Money Online Hustle


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